Canopy of Glory Ministires Church
Was setup after people started giving their lives to Jesus and the Pastor ministering under Apostle, Pastor Festus requested Canopy to open a sanctuary, right now every Sunday services overflows with members to an extent some stand outside. The Sunday school has over 85 children with salvations taking place daily. Every day Canopy holds morning glory, evening services with 24/7 worship taking place continuously. Women ministry takes place every Wednesday and outreaches to different villages every Friday, in this outreaches Canopy of Glory goes where other churches cannot, e.g. conducting funerals of deceased who were not attending church and out of this souls come to Christ in droves as Canopy believes in giving and showing Love even to the lost.

Youth Ministry
We have a vibrant youth ministry where young people are mentored, sponsored for school scholarships and trained to become leaders.

Children Ministry
Our Children’s church started with 5 Kids and have grown to over 85 Children per Sunday in a short period of time.

Women Ministry
Our Women’s ministry trains Women on virtues of becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman who is empowered and empowers her family to fulfill their God given purpose and destiny.